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Ensemble CV

Mellem Rum is a collaboration between flutist Johanne Buus Andersen (DK), dancer Antonia Stäcker (DE) and cellist Emily Wittbrot (DE).

Mellem Rum emerged in 2018 as a by-product of a Butoh workshop with Duo DIALOG at KunstØ festival, Samsø. What brought the ensemble together was a common interest in improvisation in relation to movement and sound, in this context via the poetic philosophy of Butoh.

Emily Anine Wittbrodt


Emily (* 1994) was born and raised in Bonn, Germany. She has studied classical cello since 2010 at universities in Essen, Düsseldorf, Helsinki, Florence and today she studies jazz improvisation in Cologne. During her studies Emily has been extremely active as a performing musician and in this connection has won several awards and distinctions for her great musicality: scholarship from the Academy of Music & Arts Montepulciano, Live Music Now, Dörken-Stiftung, Langenbach-Stiftung, Fondazione William Walton and Youth Musicians.

Emily's musical focus is on improvisation and cross-aesthetic collaboration and she is active with several bands and ensembles such as the award-winning big band The Dorf and Umland, the drone band Müde, the electroacoustic duo Ludwig / Wittbrodt, the avant-garde folk quartet Hilde and the duo DIALOG with dancer Antonia Stäcker. In addition to a career as a performing musician, Emily has composed for several dance and theater productions, as well as been involved in several world premieres at home and abroad.

Antonia Stäcker


Antonia (* 1995) was born and raised in Braunschweig, Germany, and studied modern dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, from which she graduated in 2017. During her studies, she has been awarded the prestigious scholarship from the Academy of the Music & arts Montepulciano.

In 2015, she created Duo DIALOG in collaboration with cellist Emily Wittbrodt. Together they have designed and produced several events for festivals in Germany and Denmark.
On a daily basis, she is part of the interdiciplinary Ensemble uBu and performs regularly in productions by Sylvia Heyden, TANZ Baunschweig. In addition, she has performed with the Butoh company Motimaru and in 2019 she premiered her Butoh-inspired solo performance in Berlin.

Motivated by her great interest in Japanese culture, she has studied Japanology in Berlin since 2017 and lived in Tokyo studying Japanese language and culture while diving even deeper into Butoh's roots, by studying at Butoh masters in Tokyo and Kobe.

Johanne Buus Andersen


Johanne (* 1992) was born and raised in Lemvig, Denmark, and has won local and regional competitions and talent awards from an early age. In 2019, Johanne graduated with a master's degree in classical flute and chamber music from the Jutland Conservatory of Music (DJM) and Sibelius Akademia Helsinki, with majors in musical performance and chamber music, and several minor subjects in body techniques in relation to music practice, and courses in cross-cultural expression.

Johanne is a versatile musician and plays many genres, from classical- over folk music to jazz. During the past couple of years she has been active as flutist and composer at the childrens theater Filuren, and playing with several ensembles and bands: Live Vinyasa, an acoustic neoclassical trio; Smeltevand, a visual concert installation with effect pedals and loops; Pamela Angela, an electro-acoustic performance ensemble that works in the span between pop and art music.

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